25-29 Aug 2004

The 51st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan (JES51)

Kushiro Tourism and International Relations Center



JES51 Executive Committee
updated at 16:54 08/10/2006
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[proceedings] 公募シンポジウム S01

8 月 28 日 (土)
  • S1-1: Genetic diversity and phylogeography of Fagus species in Japan (Tomaru)
  • S1-2: Dynamics of Holocene migration and mass expansion of Fagus sylvatica (L.) in Central European mountains (Speier)
  • S1-3: Population dynamics of Fagus crenata and Quercus crispula in the northern limit area of F.crenata, Hokkaido, Japan (kobayashi,watanabe)
  • S1-4: Up scaling by use of reflectance in the Naeba beech forest (kakubari,Takano, Akira Yokoyama ,Mukai,Sanchez)
  • S1-5: Grography of Quercus mongolica ssp. crispula forest (Hoshino)
  • S1-6: A phytosociological survey of temperate deciduous forests of mainland Asia (KRESTOV,SONG)
  • S1-7: ()
  • S1-8: Development of European Beech forests in the Holocene (Pott)


S1-1: Genetic diversity and phylogeography of Fagus species in Japan

*Nobuhiro Tomaru1
1Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University

 私たちの研究グループは、日本の冷温帯の夏緑広葉樹林を代表する樹種であるブナ(Fagus crenata)を中心に同属のイヌブナ(Fagus japonica)も対象として、核ゲノムにコードされるアロザイム、葉緑体DNA(cpDNA)とミトコンドリアDNA(mtDNA)を遺伝マーカーとして、両種の遺伝的多様性と遺伝的構造を調べてきた。その結果、両種が保有する核ゲノムとオルガネラゲノムの遺伝的多様性と遺伝的構造には少なからず集団の歴史が反映されていることがわかった。特に、ブナのcpDNA変異とmtDNA変異には、興味深い系統地理学的構造がみられ、過去の移住ルートを示唆していると考えられた。


S1-2: Dynamics of Holocene migration and mass expansion of Fagus sylvatica (L.) in Central European mountains

*Martin Speier1
1University of Hanover, Institute of Geobotany

On the basis of new palaeoecological and genetical data from Central European mountain areas the Holocene processes of migration and mass expansion of beech (Fagus sylvatica) can be reflected as result of climate and human influence as well. In contrast to former models of vegetation dynamics both effects on the development of Central European beech forests can be differentiated now by using a spatial and temporal distribution model which includes elevation as an important environmental factor.
According to pollenanalytical studies these beech populations did not futher migrate into the large plain area of Northwest Germany after having conquered the central mountainuous areas. According to the genetical and palaeoecological data we can conclude that the Northwestern part of Germany, France and the Netherlands might be settled by different beech populations which did not mix with these southeastern proviniences in spite of the fact that man opened the landscape by distroying the former Atlantic mixed deciduous forests which could have provided a wider distribution of beech. In the plains of Northwest Germany Fagus sylvatica appears 3000 years later and than continuously formed small beech forest which reached their full size during historic times.


S1-3: Population dynamics of Fagus crenata and Quercus crispula in the northern limit area of F.crenata, Hokkaido, Japan

*makoto kobayashi1, sadamoto watanabe2
1Graduate school of Geo-environmental Science, Rissho University, 2Forest Environmental Institute

 北海道の黒松内低地帯には,日本の冷温帯域の主要構成種であるブナ(Fagus crenata)の分布北限域が形成され,以北(以東)の冷温帯域には,ミズナラなどの温帯性広葉樹と針葉樹とからなる針広混交林が広く成立している。この現在のブナの分布域と分布可能領域との不一致については,様々な時間・空間スケール,生態学的・分布論的研究アプローチによってその説明が試みられてきている。


S1-4: Up scaling by use of reflectance in the Naeba beech forest

*yoshitaka kakubari1, Masamitu Takano1, Akira Yokoyama 1, Yuzuru Mukai2, Arturo Sanchez3
1shizuoka University, 2Gifu University, 3alberta University (Canada)

2. 材料と方法
3)測定装置は米国Analytical Spectral Devices社製のSpectroradiometer
NDVI = (Rnir-R680) / (Rnir+R680)   
PRI = (R531-R570) / (R531+R570)
ここで Rnir は843nmから807nmの平均反射率である。今後、クロロフィルa,b、Pmax、Vcmaxなどとの関連を検討。
1) Pmax,とPRIの関係


S1-5: Grography of Quercus mongolica ssp. crispula forest

*Yoshionobu Hoshino1
1Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology



S1-6: A phytosociological survey of temperate deciduous forests of mainland Asia

*Pavel KRESTOV1, Jong-Suk SONG2
1Institute of Biology & Soil Sci, 2Andong National Univ.

This study represents the 1st survey of the temperate deciduous forests of mainland Asia on the territories of the Russian Far East, Northeast China and Korea. A total of 1200 releves are used, representing nemoral broadleaved (Fraxinus mandshurica, Kalopanax septemlobus, Quercus mongolica, Tilia amurensis)-coniferous (Abies holophylla, Pinus koraiensis) forests, and broadleaved Quercus spp. forests. The vegetation is classified into 4 orders, 12 alliances, 50 associations, 31 subassociations and 8 variants. One order Lespedezo bicoloris-Quercetalia mongolicae, 4 alliances Rhododendro daurici-Pinion koraiensis, Phrymo asiaticae-Pinion koraiensis, Corylo heterophyllae-Quercion mongolicae and Dictamno dasycarpi-Quercion mongolicae, and 14 associations are described for the first time. The communities are placed into two classes. Quercetea mongolicae reflets monsoon humid maritime climate with the amount of summer precipitation higher than winter precipitation and the lack of period of moisture deficit. It occurs in Korea, montane regions of China east of Lesser Hingan and Sikhote-Alin. Betulo davuricae-Quercetea mongolicae unites forests in conditions of semiarid subcontinental climate with summer precipitation considerably higher than winter precipitation and with the period of moisture deficit in spring and early summer. It occupies mostly the regions of northeast China and eastern Russia west of the Lesser Hingan and in the low elevation belts of the southern Sikhote-Alin.




ブナおよびナラ林は、東アジアはもとより北半球に広く分布している。特にブナ林は冷温帯によく発達している。中国では常緑広葉樹林域山地にブナ林が発達している。また、中国では、11種のブナがかつて記載されていた程種の多様性が高く、現在は5種の主なFagus (Fagus lucida, F. hayatae, F. engleriana, F. longipetiolata, F. chienii)にまとめられている。日本の2種のブナ(Fagus crenata), イヌブナ(F. japonica)に比較し、環境の相違、地史的相違がうかがわれる。 ナラも同様に中国では51種が記載されている。主な種では、日本のミズナラの母種であるQuercus mongolicaが中国東北地方より極東のナラ林北限に位置し、大興安嶺西部にQ. liadogensisが北限・西限域のナラ林を形成している。その南部の常緑広葉樹林域には、日本の落葉二次林を構成する、アベマキ(Quercus variavilis)、 クヌギ(Q. acutissima)、ナラガシワ(Q. aliena)、コナラ(Q. serrata)、カシワ(Q. dentata)等が、主要な森林を形成し、また常緑広葉樹林域の二次林として発達し、南下している。日本では北海道の渡島半島を境にブナ林が消え、ナラ林に変わるが、中国では常緑広葉樹林域でほとんどの分布がきれ、北上していない。どの様な種組成の相違性・相似性が日本とユーラシア大陸東岸で、ブナ林、ナラ林に見られるか、分布とそれらの環境要因の相違を討議する。以下の3点に大きくまとめられる。1) 中国のブナ林は、中国のナラ林や日本のブナ林とも全く異なった種組成、分布をもっている。2) 中国と日本のブナ林の相似性、あるいは共通種は、中国沿岸域のFagus hayatae林と、九州・四国に見られる。3) 落葉ナラ林は多くの共通種が、林床種に特に多い。


S1-8: Development of European Beech forests in the Holocene

*Rhichard Pott1
1Hannover University, Institute of Geobotany

Summer-green deciduous forests with the beech (Fagus sylvatica) form the regional potential natural vegetation of Central Europe. Beach forest communities dominate large parts of a long development in the interaction between climate, soil and man.
Following the climatic improvements in the late Ice Age and thereafter, a number of different deciduous and coniferous trees advanced from their refuge areas. Governed by secular climate changes, they came in stages, from the first to the last type to migrate, over a period of 9000 years. From its various refuges in the Mediterranean area during the Glacial Periods, the beech took at least two different routes to North and Central Europe. Late glacial occurrences in Greece, near the Adriatic Sea, in the southern Alps, the Cantabrian Mountains, the Pyrenees and the Cevennes attest to their refuges. There might have been other refuges near the Carpathian mountains. The migration routes of the west and east provenances met in the northern part of the foothills of the Alps, and from there, the beech reached the central mountainous region of the Vosges Mountains, the Black forest, the Swabian Mountains and the Bavarian Forest in about 5000 BC. Since the middle of the Atlanticum, Fagus-pollen can be found in respective deposits in larger moors. At almost the same time, between 5000 and 4500 BC, the beech also reached the limestone and loess locations of the northern central mountains from the south-east. From there it very likely spread to the neighbouring loam areas in the sandy heathland of the north german coast (geest). We cannot rule out the possibility that the beech was spread by anthropo-zoogenical means, in northern Central Europe this is very likely to be the case.