
ESJ61 Special Guest

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David W. Inouye

University of Maryland
Specialty: Plant-Animal Interaction
Lecture scheduled: Organized Session T19 (18th March 9:30-11:30, Room-A)


ER Symposium Guest Speakers


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Nathan G. Swenson

Michigan State University
Specialty: Tree Community Ecology
Lecture scheduled: Symposia S09 (15th March 14:30-17:30, Room-A)
Dr. Nate G. Swenson is a tropical plant field biologist by training with a research focus on using phylogenetic and functional information to understand the distribution and dynamics of biodiversity through space and time. He received his Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology in 2008 at the University of Arizona and was a NSF postdoctoral fellow in bioinformatics with the Center for Tropical Forest Science then located at the Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University. His career over the past decade has coincided with the rapid boom in phylogenetic- and functional trait-based analyses of ecological datasets. In recognition of his work integrating phylogenetic and functional trait information across scales, he has received the 2011 Jasper Loftus-Hills Young Investigator’s Award from the American Society of Naturalists and the 2012 Ebbe Nielsen Prize from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility. He has published over 70 articles with more than 2600 citations.


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André de Roos

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam
Specialty: Community Ecology, Mathematical Biology
Lecture scheduled: Symposia S01 (15th March 9:30-12:30, Room-A)
個体成長に基づく個体群・群集生態学をリードしている理論研究者。氏の数理モデルは非常に示唆に富み、実証研究者との共同研究も数多い。昨年にプリンストン大学出版の個体群生物学モノグラフから出版された「Population and Community Ecology of Ontogenetic Development」の著者でもある。


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Janis L. Dickinson

コーネル大学自然資源学部教授,コーネル大学Lab of Ornithology Citizen Science 所長
Specialty:Citizen Science
Lecture scheduled: Symposia S03 (15th March, 9:30-12:30, Room-C)
Prof. Janis Dickinson is a behavioral ecologist, specifically focusing on birds and insects. She is a fellow of AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) as well as California Academy of Sciences. She obtained her Ph.D. (Entomology and Animal Behavior) from Cornell University in 1987. After her 18-years of career in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology of UC Berkeley, since 2005, she became a Faculty Director of the Citizen Science Program at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Her research interests include avian demography, spatial ecology, and human cooperation in relation to citizen science.


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Kostas Triantis

Department of Biology, University of Athens / Special Secretary for Water, Ministry of Environment, Energy, and Climate Change
Specialty: Biogeography
Lecture scheduled: Symposia S11 (15th March, 14:30-17:30, Room-C)
Kostas Triantis is a biogeographer with broad interests in island biogeography, macroecology, community ecology, evolution, and conservation biology. His research interests span diverse themes such as diversity theory, species-area relationship, scale in ecological and biogeographical analysis, ecological modelling and environmental heterogeneity. He is an authority in the systematics and biogeography of a number of taxa of the Aegean Islands (Greece), such as land snails.

Invited Speakers for Symposium


Name of speaker
Symposia ID
Volker Rudolf Rice University (US) S01
宇野毅明 国立情報学研究所 S02
岡田眞理子 理化学研究所 S02
大野和則 東北大・NICHe S02
神山和夫 NPOバードリサーチ S03
山下麗 東京農工大 S04
江草智弘 東京大・農 S05
丸山宗利 九州大学 S07
Robert Jongman Altera & Hiroshima University (Invited Prof.) S08
Ray Dybzinski Princeton University (US) S09
Jacques C. Finlay University of Minnesota (US) S10
Mary E. Power University of California (US) S10
伊澤栄一 慶応大学 S12
Pavel Krestov Institute of Biology and Soil Science (RUS) (cancel) S13
逢沢峰昭 宇都宮大学 S13
岸野洋久 東京大・農 S15
阿部剛志 三菱UFJリサーチ&コンサルティング S16
岩浅有記 国土交通省国土政策局国土管理企画室 S16
中山直樹 環境省自然環境局生物多様性地球戦略企画室 S16
道家哲平 公益財団法人 日本自然保護協会 S16
桑原考史 日本獣医生命科学大学 S17
氏家清和 筑波大学 S17
柘植隆宏 甲南大学 S17