| Index | EAFES Symposium | Fifth EAFES International Congress Abstracts

EAFES Symposium ES02 -- 19 March 9:00-12:00 Room C

Biodiversity assessment of freshwater ecosystems: for the new collaboration among Asian countries

Organizers: NAKANO, Shin-ichi (CER, Kyoto Univ), TAKAMURA, Noriko (NIES)

In the present session, we introduce new efforts by Japanese freshwater researchers for better biodiversity assessment and conservation in freshwater ecosystems under threat of environmental deterioration. In 2011 July, some Japanese freshwater researchers have established the team which conducts identification of DPSIR in Japanese freshwater ecosystems using the information about environmental parameters collected in freshwater environments in Japan. We will invite some speakers from other Asian countries to share our information about Asian biodiversity for future collaboration.

[ES02-1] Diversity of Water blooming forming Cyanobacteria in Chinese Waters LI, Renhui (Wuhan Institute of Hydrobiology, CAS)

[ES02-2] Monitoring impervious surface area and its role as a driver on ecosystem change by remote sensing YANG, Fan / MATSUSHITA Bunkei / FUKUSHIMA, Takehiko (Tukuba Univ)

[ES02-3] The ancient Lake Biwa as a model of Asian lake ecosystems:historical and geographical patterns of biodiversity SHIBATA, Junya (CER, Kyoto Univ) / KARUBE, Zen'ichi (NIES) / SAKAI, Yoichiro (CER, Kyoto Univ) / TAKEYAMA, Tomohiro (Osaka City Univ) / TAYASU, Ichiro (CER, Kyoto Univ) / SATOH, Yuichi (Lake Biwa Environmenal Research Institute) / YACHI, Shigeo / NAKANO, Shin-ichi / OKUDA, Noboru (CER, Kyoto Univ)

[ES02-4] Potential threats for inland water ecosystem in East and Southeast Asia KANO, Yuichi / YAMASHITA, Tomomi / Tatsuro Sato / SHIMATANI, Yukihiro (Kyushu Univ)

[ES02-5] Freshwater biodiversity monitoring programs in South Korea : current status and future direction JOO, Gea-Jae / DO, Yuno (Pusan National Univ)