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ESJ57 一般講演(ポスター発表) P3-168

Carbon storage in Polpulus tomentiglandulosa of central korea

*Park, Y.J., Son, Y., Seo, K.W., Noh, N.J., Lee, S.K., Yoon, T.K., Lee, A.R., Jo, W., Yang, A.(Korea Univ.), Lee, K.H., Son, Y.M., Kim, R.H.(Korea Forest Research Institute)

The role of forests in absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide has been emphasized under the Kyoto Protocol. This study was conducted to estimate the carbon (C) storage of Populus tomentiglandulosa in Hongcheon, central Korea. After considering of the diameter distributions, a total of 25 representative trees were harvested to measure fresh weights and dry weights of tree components (root, stem, branch and foliage). The regression equation of the total aboveground biomass (WA) was logW<sub)A=1.417 + 2.802logDBH (R2=0.9796). The regression equation of the belowground biomass (WR) was logWR=1.426 + 2.146logDBH (R2=0.8145). Total biomass was converted into C mass, using the value of C fraction (0.5). Based on data of regression equation, C storage (MgC ha-1) was estimated to be 36.03 for aboveground biomass and 5.21 for belowground biomass, respectively. The relative partitioning of root, stem, branch and foliage to the total tree biomass was 12%, 76%, 10% and 2%, respectively.

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