| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第59回全国大会 (2012年3月,大津) 講演要旨
ESJ59/EAFES5 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P2-129A (Poster presentation)

Habitat selection of Asiatic black bears based on energy distribution of Fagaceae mast at two contrasting habitats

*Arimoto, I. (Tokyo Univ.of Agri. and Tech.), Goto, Y. (Tateyama caldera Museum), Koike, S. (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.), Yamazaki, K. (Ibaraki Nature Museum), Furubayashi, K (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.), Kaji, K. (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.)

Black bears (Ursus thibetanus) feed on the Fagaceae hard mast including beech and oaks in fall. Distribution of dominate Fagaceae tree species differs regionally and mast production shows annual fluctuations. However, there is little habitat-selection study which investigated relationship with spatial distribution of hard mast availability. We test hypothesis that bears selectively use the areas where hard mast are abundant.

Study areas were Toyama Prefecture (2005-2007) and Okutama mountains (2009-2010) where dominate tree species were different. We developed “energy reflecting maps” by converting production levels of each Fagaceae mast into energetic productivity (kcal/㎡). We analyzed bear’s selectivity for available energy using 12 bears with GPS collars.

Contrary to our hypothesis, bears not necessarily selected energy-abundant areas. This is because some bears used the Fagaceae species or vegetation types which have relatively lower available energy. However, the energy quantity might be sufficient to fill up bears’ demand. Rather, these individual variations in habitat selection might have role on decreasing competition for a limited resource among bears.
