| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第59回全国大会 (2012年3月,大津) 講演要旨
ESJ59/EAFES5 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P3-097A (Poster presentation)

Successive mapping of secondary pine forests affected by pine wilt disease and subequent forest managemant in Miyajima Island, SW Japan, with a special reference to changes in vegetation units between 2000 and 2010

Tanikawa, T. (Hiroshima Univ.), Kuroda, A. (Univ. Hyogo), Uchida, S. (Hiroshima Univ.), Mukai, S. (Hiroshima Univ.), *Tsubota, H. (Hiroshima Univ.), Toyohara, G. (Hiroshima Univ.)

On Miyajima Island, SW Japan, red pine forests dominated by Pinus densiflora have drastically declined due to the spread of pine wilt disease. In order to examine long-term changes in the pine forests, we compared the detail vegetation map of Miyajima Island made just before forest management commenced in 1974 with those made after the management (1980, 2000 and 2010). Successive maps recognized both the progressive and retrogressive successional changes. The vegetation of the lower part of slopes and valley bottom sites mostly changed into a species-rich vegetation unit, the Symplocos glauca variant, regarded as a later successional stage. Vegetation of the upper and middle parts of slopes was patchily segmented by floristically retrogressive vegetation units, the Dicranopteris linearis- Gleichenia japonica community (typical group) and the typical variant, as suggested by Kuroda et al. (2006). An area of Rhododendron -Neolitsea transitional community had, by 2010, decreased to ca. one-tenth of its total area in 2000. Comparison of the vegetation maps suggests that retrogressive as well as progressive successional changes in the study site have occurred more rapidly between 2000 and 2010.
