| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第59回全国大会 (2012年3月,大津) 講演要旨
ESJ59/EAFES5 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P3-321A (Poster presentation)

Development of Hands-on Activities for Teaching biodiversity and cultural diversity: “Space Ark Workshop”

*Mizumachi, E. (Kyoto Univ.), Isobe, H. (Kyoto Univ.), Kamitani, M. (Kobe Univ.), Kurokawa, H. (Kyoto Univ.), Shiose, T. (Kyoto Univ.), Douno, Y. (Kyoto Univ. of Art and Design), Mori, N. (Kyoto Univ.)

We have developed an educational program “Space Ark Workshop" aimed at helping students (Elementary students, junior high-school students, and high-school students) learn and think about various scientific and social issues, such as natural environment, biodiversity, cultural diversity etc. This program is carried out in 6-8 groups in a classroom. Students discuss within their groups and try to design the “Space Ark” that emigrates from the Earth to another planet. Through the program, students are expected to discuss issues that cannot scientifically be solved. Additionally, they are expected to know that relationship between species can change depending on our envelopment, and sense of values can also change. One of the characteristics of the program is that the program was developed in collaboration of university staff, students, and K-12 teachers. Another characteristic is that teachers can customize the program to subjects (not only Biology, but also Social studies) and grade. We have tried this program in several schools and museums, and get feedback to help the improvement of the program. In this presentation, we will report the process of development of the educational program.
