| 要旨トップ | ESJ60 シンポジウム 一覧 | 日本生態学会第60回全国大会 (2013年3月,静岡) 講演要旨
ESJ60 Abstract

シンポジウム S03 -- 3月6日 9:30-12:30 D会場

Plant-insect responses to global environmental changes: from physiology to evolution

Organizers: Sawako Matsuki (Iwate Univ.), Masahiro Nakamura (Hokkaido Univ.)

In recent years, plant responses to global environmental changes and their effects on insect herbivores have been investigated at various ecological levels. Recent methodological advances have allowed us to examine the physiological responses of plants that influence the performance of insect herbivores. On the other hand, rapid advances in genetic, paleoclimatic and fossil analyses have begun to unravel the evolutionary responses of plant-insect interactions. To elucidate the effects of global environmental changes on plant-insect interactions, a comprehensive understanding is needed at multiple levels that range from physiological responses of individuals to evolutionary responses of populations and species. In this symposium, six speakers will provide new findings in different levels. Finally, we would like to discuss better approaches to predict the impacts of global environmental changes on plant-herbivore interactions.

Commentators: Takayoshi Koike, Shunsuke Utsumi

[S03-1] Global warming effect on plant-insect interactions in northern forests Masahiro Nakamura (Hokkaido Univ.)

[S03-2] Changes in the anti-herbivore characteristics of leaves in woody species after a long-term CO2 exposure  Yoko Watanabe (Hokkaido Univ.)

[S03-3] The insect outbreaks as responses to human-driven changes of forest composition Sawako Matsuki (Iwate Univ.)

[S03-4] Tree decline after serious insect defoliation in a northern secondary forest Yasuyuki Ohno (Hokkaido Forestry Research Institute)

[S03-5] Latitudinal cline and phenotypic plasticity of a host plant in resistance to herbivores Kaisa Heimonen (Univ. of Eastern Finland)

[S03-6] Evolutionary response to environmental changes in plant-herbivore interaction Tommi Nyman (Univ. of Eastern Finland)
