| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第63回全国大会 (2016年3月、仙台) 講演要旨
ESJ63 Abstract

一般講演(口頭発表) E2-25 (Oral presentation)

Seasonal changes of energy gain and consumption in a honeybee colony


Honeybee is a social insect, which has a characteristic system of energy gain and consumption as a swarm. They adapt successfully to environment by changing energy income and expense in a colony scale. Therefore, we can expect to understand honeybee’s social structure for maintaining colony’s survival by monitoring the seasonal changes of energy gain and consumption in colony. In this study, we aimed to reveal seasonal changes of energy gain and consumption of a honeybee colony under environmental variation. We calculated energy gain from number of foraging bees, and, energy consumption from the change of CO2 concentration in the hive. As a result, a positive correlation was found between number of foraging bees and air temperature in every season, which was used for calculating long term changes in energy gain. Diurnal energy gain was 36gC/day in maximum, 7gC/day in minimum. A negative correlation was found between the change of CO2 concentration in the hive and air temperature from summer to autumn. We estimated diurnal energy consumption was 7g/day at mid-August, while 12g/day at end of the October. Our results showed that total energy budget of the honeybee hive decreased from summer to autumn.
