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日本生態学会第64回全国大会 (2017年3月、東京) 一般講演 口頭発表 一覧

K01 Animal Behavior (3月15日 14:00- 会場 K)

[K01-01] Males use accessory gland substances to inhibit remating by females in West Indian sweet potato weevil Euscepes postfasciatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) *日室千尋(沖縄県病害虫防除技術センター, 琉球産経株式会社, 琉球大学), 池川雄亮(沖縄県病害虫防除技術センター, 琉球産経株式会社, 琉球大学), 本間淳(沖縄県病害虫防除技術センター, 琉球大学)

[K01-02] Simple Rules and Individuality Governing Switching System of Ants: Aggregation and Segregation in the Japanese Garden Ant, Lasius japonicus *Shumpei HISAMOTO(Waseda University)

[K01-03] Evidence for shift work in the soldiers of Camponotus nipponicus *Haruna Fujioka(University of Tokyo), Masato Abe(NII, JST, ERATO), Masakazu Shimada(University of Tokyo), Yasukazu Okada(University of Tokyo)

[K01-04] Mutualism between ants and snakes? An ant that shares its nest with the predator of its predator *Yosuke KOJIMA,(Department of Zoology, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University), Jo RAKOTOARISON(Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Science, the University of Antananarivo), Teppei JONO(Tropical Biosphere Research Center, University of the Ryukyus), Takafumi MIZUNO(Applied Entomology Laboratory, Center for Bioresource Field Science, Kyoto Institute of Technology), Akira MORI(Department of Zoology, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)

[K01-05] Humpback whales give-up feeding in front of rivals *Yu AKIYAMA(東大大気海洋研), Tomonari Akamatsu(水研セ中央水研), Marianne Rasmussen(アイスランド大学), Takashi Iwata(東大大気海洋研), Katsufumi Sato(東大大気海洋研)

[K01-06] Immobile defense of a frog distracts attention of approaching predators to other prey *Nozomi NISHIUMI(Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Science, Nagasaki University), Akira MORI(Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)

[K01-07] Parasite infection induces size-dependent host dispersal *照井慧(北大), 大上慧太(北大), 卜部浩一(道総研), 中村太士(北大)

[K01-08] Hook tool manufacture in New Caledonian crows: individual variation and seasonal changes *Shoko SUGASAWA(University of St Andrews)
