| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第66回全国大会 (2019年3月、神戸) 講演要旨
ESJ66 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P2-106  (Poster presentation)

群馬県内の自生地におけるサクラソウの花柱構成比と結実率のメタ個体群間比較 【B】
Comparison of heterostyly composition and seed production among metapopulations of Primula sieboldii growing in Gunma Pref. 【B】

*石川真一(群馬大学), 大森威宏(県立自然史博物館), 増田和明(群馬県中之条小学校)
*Shinichi ISHIKAWA(Gunma Univ.), Takehiro Ohmori(Nat.His. Museum), Kazuaki Masuda(Nakanojo Elem. Sch.)

From 2006, so many metapopulations of Primula sieboldii have been found around halfway up Mt. Haruna, Gunma Pref. The largest metapopulation was found in the artificial coniferous (mainly cedar) forests at the north face of the mountain.  This area, however, might be large grassland till the end of the World War II, and after that, cedar plantation was set over. There also be many metapopulations found at the western face of the mountain. This area might also be large grassland till the end of the World War II, and after that, it has been used as SATOYAMA. More than 8 large metapopulations have been monitored for about 8 years. Style analysis revealed that most of the metapopulations have about 1:1 pin/thrum ratio with 0% to about 10% of homo style. Seed production ratio (genet based) has been about 40% to 60% independent of per cent homo style, the sites of metapopulations, and monitoring years. Pollen limitation, insect predation and fungal attack must be major factors for seed loss, and their impacts have been fluctuating over sites and years.
