| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第68回全国大会 (2021年3月、岡山) 講演要旨
ESJ68 Abstract

一般講演(口頭発表) F03-07  (Oral presentation)

Effect of lime and fertilizer inputs on soil pH, inorganic nitrogen and microbial properties

*Yvonne Musavi MADEGWA, Yoshitaka UCHIDA(Hokkaido University)

Lime is used to reduce soil acidification in agricultural soils. However, its effects on microbial diversity, stability and abundance is not clear. Therefore, an incubation experiment was set up to determine the effect of soil pH (6.5-Lime-L and 5.5-No Lime-NL) and fertilizer (anaerobic digestate-AD and urea-U) on inorganic nitrogen and microbial properties. Soils were sampled once a week to monitor changes in chemical, microbial and gene (16S, AOA, AOB and nosZ) abundance. In results, beta diversity (unifrac) showed that samples from the same pH and fertilizer shared a high degree of similarity. The impact of AD on soil microbes varied based on pH. In NL treatments AD had a significant effect on more (165) microbes compared to L (140), indicating that microbes were more stable in L. Soil pH and fertilizer had a significant effect on 16S with highest values observed in L and AD. Soil pH and fertilizer had a significant effect on AOA with highest values recorded in L and U. In L, highest AOB numbers were observed in AD, and in NL, highest numbers were in U treatments. The results indicate that lime application positively modulates soil microbial diversity, stability and abundance in agricultural soils.
