| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第68回全国大会 (2021年3月、岡山) 講演要旨
ESJ68 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P2-153  (Poster presentation)

Evaluation of long-term simulation of methane fluxes in paddy fields in South India using DNDC-rice

*Miyuki OKA(Tokyo Gakugei Univ.), Akinori YAMAMOTO(Tokyo Gakugei Univ.), Tamon FUMOTO(NARO), Keisuke ONO(NARO), Kazuyuki INUBUSHI(Chiba Univ.), Shigeto SUDO(NARO), Naoko SAITOH(Chiba Univ.), Elayakumar PALANISAMY(TRRI), Umamageswari CHELLAPPAN(TRRI), Ambethgar VELLAISAMY(TRRI)

DNDC-Rice model is a process-based model which can estimate CH4 emissions from paddy fields. However, there are few studies evaluating CH4 emission using the model where rice cultivation is possible two or three times a year. We aimed to investigate the effect of model parameters on the estimation of CH4 emission from the paddy field in Tamil Nadu, southern India and to evaluate the impact of CH4 emission from the region on global CH4 emission. We used long term measurement of CH4 flux using the eddy covariance technique in the field from 2016 to 2021 for the model analysis. Our study showed that calibration of the cultivar-specific parameters improved model CH4 emission estimate. The magnitude of overestimation of CH4 emission was decreased by reproducing the heterogeneity of the soil trivalent iron content. Simulated cumulative CH4 emission in each cropping season varied −2.4%-+63.95% compared to the measured CH4 flux. Our results suggest that simulated CH4 flux tends to underestimate CH4 emission from the paddy field of the region because the model could not well simulate burst CH4 emission in the intercropping period.
