| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第70回全国大会 (2023年3月、仙台) 講演要旨
ESJ70 Abstract

一般講演(口頭発表) A03-08  (Oral presentation)

Spared From Poaching and Natural Predation, Wild Boars Are Likely To Play The Role Of Dominant Forest Species In Peninsular Malaysia【E】

*Ku noor khalidah Binti KU HALIM(Ku Noor Khalidah, Siti Wahdaniyah, Norizah Kamarudin, Alex M.Lechner, Badrul Azhar)

Wild boar populations have increased in parts of the world. In predominantly Muslim regions such as Peninsular Malaysia, wild boars are native species that have thrived, because Muslims do not hunt them, and also because apex predators such as Malayan tigers are declining. We examined the relationship between the number of wild boar detections, and both landscape metrics and on-site vegetation structure in forestry reserves of Peninsular Malaysia. Camera trapping was used to record wild boar detections. At each camera trap location, we measured the characteristics of the landscape and site-level habitat attributes. Our analyses revealed that the number of wild boar detections was positively associated with the number of trees with DBH > 45 cm, number of fallen trees, number of palms, number of saplings, and elevation. The number of wild boar detections was negatively associated with the distance from nearest paved and unpaved roads, number of trees with DBH < 45 cm, and canopy cover. We found that the number of wild boar detections was not associated with forest type, landscape type, and logging. Findings suggest that wild boar can thrive in tropical fragmented landscapes with favorable site-level habitat characteristics, limited hunting pressure, and an absence of predators.
