| 要旨トップ | 日本生態学会全国大会 ESJ55 講演要旨

一般講演(ポスター発表) P1-262

Ecology of Fordia splendidissima (Fabaceae) in damaged and undamaged forest.

Desy Ekawati(*), Eizi Suzuki, Natsuki M.Watanabe, Herwint Simbolon.

Most species in climax forests disappeared in burned forests of East Kalimantan since the fires in 1998. A few climax species such as Fordia splendidissima, however, vigorously regenerated. This study is to clarify the reasons for the success of Fordia after forest fire.

Study conducted in Bukit Bangkirai, East Kalimantan. Plots size were 50x50m from 1 ha of LD2 (burned forest) and K2 (unburned forest). All Fordia were tagged and measured. In two belts transect of 5x60m, stem bases excavated to check whether it had sprouted or not.

Nine years after fire, Fordia had successful regeneration in burned area (1104 stems in LD2, and 719 in K2). In burned forest, growth rate, death rate and recruits were higher. After fire, Fordia resprouted from root and stem remnant below ground. Fordia was frequently in blossom in open area, more Fordia bloomed in burned area than in unburned area. Therefore, resprouted stems in burned area contributed on successful sexual regeneration as well.

Fordia has symbiosis with root nodule bacteria and may also play a role on the forest ecosystem recovery. More than 96.4% of 56 individuals had root nodule in burned area, and only 7.8% of 51 individuals in unburned forest. As a conclusion, the high ability of resprouting and early maturing of Fordia may support the success of this species after fire.
