| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第62回全国大会 (2015年3月、鹿児島) 講演要旨
ESJ62 Abstract

一般講演(口頭発表) F2-37 (Oral presentation)

長期フェノロジーデータ分析から一斉開花メカニズムを解明する/Exploring general flowering mechanism using long-term phenology data

*佐竹暁子(北大・環境)・Yu-Yun Chen (National Dong Hwa Univ), 沼田真也(首都大・観光), 小杉緑子(京大・農), 谷誠(京大・農), 市栄智明(高知大・農), 谷尚樹(農林水産業研究セン ター)

Mass flowering has been identified in dipterocarp forests in the aseasonal tropics. The role of resource availability as one of the proximate factors for intermittent and synchronized flowering has attracted much attention with strong theoretical support. On the other hand, it has long been disputed whether external environmental cues would be sufficient to explain mass flowering. To explore key factors that regulate floral initiation in Dipterocarps, we analyze long-term flowering phenology data of six Shorea species together with climate data monitored in Pasoh forest reserve in peninsula Malaysia using generalized linear models. The result of model analysis and model selection showed that most of species integrate chilling and drought signals to initiate flowering, implying that they flowered when both signals occurred. The estimated timing of floral initiation was the same between species, and the estimated periods required for flower development showed the exactly same order of sequential flowering previously reported by Ashton et al. (1988). There results provide important implications to predict phenological responses of tropical tress to future climate change.
