| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第62回全国大会 (2015年3月、鹿児島) 講演要旨
ESJ62 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) PA2-055 (Poster presentation)

Age structure of branches influencing crown-top expansion in Abies sachalinensis

Seki, T. (FFPRI, Hokkaido)

To understand the age structure of branches influencing crown development by the elongation of branch axes in the upper crown of Abies sachalinensis canopy trees, a relationship between the foliage mass index and branch-axis length for a 13-year growing season was examined by a linear mixed model using the past main-stem and branch-axis elongation record. The record was investigated for 10 canopy trees with sunlit branches from the crown top to at least 20-year-old branches in a cold temperate forest near Nakayama Pass in southwestern Hokkaido, Japan. For each year during the 13-year period, the effect of foliage mass on branch-axis elongation was compared between five branch age groups in a range of 1 to 20 years. To determine the foliage mass index for each branch age group, a portion of the main stem’s volume was calculated using an allometric relationship. The branch-axis elongation records for 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old branches were also investigated for each year. On each branch-axis elongation, the foliage mass index of the 9- to 12-year-old branch group indicated a greater effect than that of the other branch groups, suggesting a relatively greater contribution of the foliage mass of nearly 10-year-old branches to crown development in the sunlit crown.
