| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第66回全国大会 (2019年3月、神戸) 講演要旨
ESJ66 Abstract

一般講演(口頭発表) G02-04  (Oral presentation)

Synchrony and compensatory dynamics of a zooplankton community and its relationship to measured environmental conditions

*Ishara Uhanie PERERA, Jotaro Urabe, Wataru Makino, Natsumi Maruoka(Tohoku Univ.)

Temporal dynamics of a community depend on niches of the composed species. If the different species share the same food resources and predators, their phenology is likely similar and thus their abundances exhibit synchronized dynamics. By contrast, if these species differ in their resources and predators, their phenology do not overlap largely and thus their temporal abundances likely covary negatively and exhibit compensatory dynamics.  In this study, we analyzed the zooplankton community in a small lake for eight years to examine which dynamics are more frequent among the species, synchronized or compensatory dynamics.  We found that synchronous dynamics were more common in all the time scales examined. However, overall pattern of the community dynamics was shifted from compensatory before 2013 to synchrony after 2013. Further analysis showed that this shift in the community dynamics was related with changes in phosphorous supply due to changes in water mixing regimes. These results suggest that temporal dynamics of the zooplankton community are ultimately induced by local weather conditions such as thermal and wind regimes.
