| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第67回全国大会 (2020年3月、名古屋) 講演要旨
ESJ67 Abstract

一般講演(口頭発表) M01-07  (Oral presentation)

The agroecology movement in Latin America: a study of NGOs working with indigenous communities in the Brazilian state of Acre

*Mariko OBARI(University of Tsukuba)

A myriad of traditional farming methods are still practised in Latin America, and diverse indigenous communities are a large part of the population engaged in maintaining these (Altieri and Toledo 2011). Altieri and Toledo (2011) argue that the agroecological revolution has been promoted by both social movements, and research institutions’ investment in theoretical and practical knowledge about agroecology. Agroecological approaches to rural development are increasingly becoming mainstream in Latin America, and their NGO networks have contributed to the global dissemination of agroecological knowledge. Brazil is one of the pioneers in developing public policies concerning agroecology, which have already sparked further agroecology policy debates in Latin America (FAO 2018). This research explores how ideas and practices of agroecology can serve as a tool for collective action and as a framework for policy design to improve indigenous people’s livelihoods. I will discuss the agroecology movement with reference to a case study of NGOs working with indigenous communities in the Brazilian state of Acre, focusing on the leading organization, Comissão Pró-Índio do Acre (CPI). By examining their agroecological projects, the study will suggest what is essential for the effective collective action of agroecology.
