| 要旨トップ | ESJ54 一般講演一覧 | 日本生態学会全国大会 ESJ54 講演要旨

一般講演 P3-250

Wetland Management in Bangladesh

Byomkesh Talukder

A majority of Bangladesh’s 140 million people are dependent on wetlands. It plays a crucial role in maintaining ecosystems of Bangladesh. However, wetland is under constant threat due to increase of population and agriculture, over-fishing, pollution, ill-planned infrastructures, lack of institutional coordination and awareness etc. As a result  wetland’s diversity is reducing, and under threat and living conditions of local people are deteriorating. Wetland management is not addressed separately in water management activities of Bangladesh. For balancing human needs and wetland conservation, community-based wetland management approach have been taken in Bangladesh for its high population and low-income but it is not enough to prevent the wetland degradation of Bangladesh. Now Bangladesh needs a strategy combining political, economical, social and technological approach for stopping further degradation of wetlands. Wetland management should be incorporated into a system of integrated land and water use and, indeed, into the socio-economic system of country. Therefore, policies, strategies and management plans for sustainable use and conservation of wetlands of Bangladesh must be based on solid knowledge and understanding of their ecological and socio-economic functions and processes.

Bymkesh Talukder is an MSc student under Prof. Nakagoshi Nobukazu, IDEC, Hiroshima University, Japan
