| 要旨トップ | 本企画の概要 | 日本生態学会第70回全国大会 (2023年3月、仙台) 講演要旨
ESJ70 Abstract

自由集会 W03-1  (Workshop)

Phylogeographic studies on Neotropical cycads: progress, knowledge gaps, and challenges when studying threatened species【E】


The recent ecological and systematics studies on Mesoamerican cycads have shed light on issues concerning the biogeography, ecology, taxonomy and speciation. I summarize some of the most intriguing results that have brought implications to these fields. As most cycad species are threatened, those researches may also contribute to conservation. Yet, many questions remain open for cycads and other tropical biological groups. In order to clarify the great richness and history of the Mesoamerican biodiversity, further multidisciplinary research is necessary. I introduce this workshop as an platform for the assistants to establish international networks.
