| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第59回全国大会 (2012年3月,大津) 講演要旨
ESJ59/EAFES5 Abstract

一般講演(口頭発表) D1-05 (Oral presentation)

Ecological Study of Bee-Pollination System in Satoyama Areas in Kanazawa

*Priawandiputra, W. (Kanazawa Univ), Nakamura, K. (Kanazawa Univ)

Satoyama is a traditional agricultural landscape, which is composed of a mosaic of habitats types and degrees of management. Satoyama areas support biodiversity conservation and fundamental ecosystem services for human’s well-being. We focused on bees-pollination system where bees (Hymenoptera:Apoidea) are featured as the most prominent pollinators. The present study examines influence of restoration of Satoyama areas on diversity and abundance of flowering plants and flower-visiting bees, along with their linkages. This study was carried out from May to July 2010 in 3 sites of terraced paddies at Kitadan, Minamidan and Zontan near Kakuma Campus of Kanazawa University. Standardized transect walk method was used for bee sampling. The results are: (1) the total number of flowering plant species that flowered in Kitadan valley, Minamidan valley, and Zontan valley was: 46 species (22 families), 56 (33), and 54 (27), respectively, (2) A total of 124 individual bees (16 species, 3 families) were collected from Kitadan, 141 (23, 5) from Minamidan and 229 (26, 6) from Zontan, (3) Flowering plants and flower-visiting bees linkages differ among the sites: 39 linkages in Kitadan, 60 in Minamidan, and 64 in Zontan. Results show that restoration practices in our study areas has caused changes in flowering plants and flower-visiting bees composition along with their linkages.
